The Mask

Height: 7'0"
Weight: 340 lbs.
Entrance Theme: Duel Of The Fates (John Williams)
Hometown: Unknown
Finisher:  Fall From Grace (a chokeslam... period)

Very, very little is known of the Mask's past. That's because Tanner, his manager/caretaker, likes to keep it that way. What is known is that the Mask was placed in Tanner's care some ten years ago by an unknown entity, and that Tanner is paid a large amount to keep the Mask busy and out of trouble. That mainly involves professional wrestling. And that's all Tanner will say.

Of course there are rumors. Some say the Mask is a grotesquely deformed member of one of America's royal families, a Kennedy or a Bush or a Rockefeller. Other rumors indicate that he is the result of a Soviet genetics experiment gone horribly awry. Whatever the Mask's deformity, it is clear that his mind is more twisted than anything else. His allegiance is purely to Tanner. He would kill for his glorified babysitter. That makes Tanner among the most dangerous men in USXWF.

The Mask is huge.  Massive.  He has a completely shaved head, and he wears a thick wooden mask covering his entire face.  He generally dresses in all black, and oftentimes wears a black robe down to the ring.  His wrestling style matches his appearance... brute force, all the way.


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