First, Some Basic Rules...

I know, rules aren't fun, but even here, a few are necessary...

1.  First and foremost, don't be a jerk.   I know that seems obvious, but if you just wanna be annoying, I'd suggest finding a larger message board with a broader base.

2.  Your roleplaying affects how well your wrestler does during his (or hers, if we ever get enough characters to start a female division) matches.  If you roleplay well and often, you'll find your character getting lots of pushes.  If you never roleplay, you'll be jobbing the whole time.   In addition, keep in mind that posts are judged based on quality, not quantity.  If all you post is crap, don't expect much in return.

3.  No more than two characters, please.  Some people may be capable of roleplaying well with a dozen characters, but that'd wind up being a one-man show, and nobody likes that.

4.  Here come the "legal"-esque aspects:  If you vanish off the face of the Earth, or are otherwise suddenly rendered unable to post, or if you don't post for more than a week, we, the USXWF, reserve the right to keep your character for our own purposes.  Generally, we'd make him/her an NPC, but in certain situations we may pass your character off to someone else to roleplay.  I know this sounds kind of underhanded, but you have to keep in mind that the Management spends a lot of time figuring each character into future storylines, and if he/she suddenly disappears, that screws everything up.

However, if you feel that you may or may not have time to roleplay at some point in the near future, please let us know.  We may be able to work something out, such as "injuring" your character to explain his being "put out of commission" (permanently or temporarily, whatever the case may be).

5a.  Your character must be original!  We've had enough Undertaker or Kane rip-offs to fill a dozen Feds with.

5b.  Your character must be interesting!  So you want him to be a bad-ass?  Congratulations.  But if that's all he is, he'd better take his bad-ass elsewhere.

5c.  Your roleplays must be interesting... and legible!  We are going to insist on a certain level of clarity in your posts.  If your sample roleplay is just a stream of "i kick ass i beat you down i make win i cool i win!" then you will NOT be accepted.  Take a fucking English Composition class, please.

Anyway, now that that's over with...


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